Reaching the Unreached, Discipling One at a Time
VastGrace Missions
We add value to the great commission by planting discipleship-based churches among the unreached and unchurched people groups.
Vast Grace Missions Community Transformation
With a focus on Church Planting, Community Transformation, and Social Development, VGM aims to bring holistic transformation to individuals and their communities
Church Planting and Construction
Children with Special Needs & Disabilities
Church Planters Training
Church Planters’ Motorcycles or Bicycles
Church Planters Economic Empowerment
Bibles & Books to Disciples & Trainees
Children’s Educational Programs
Drilling & Construction of Water Wells
Construction of Clinics & Health Centres
Construction of Schools & Learning Centres
Church Construction Goals 2024 - 2025
Vast Grace Missions (VGM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to meeting, serving, and solving various spiritual and social issues in UGANDA and SOUTH SUDAN since its establishment in 2010. Witha focus on Church Planting, Community Transformation, and Social Development, VGM aims to bring holistic transformation to individuals and their communities.
Our Vision
To add value to the great commission by planting discipleship-based churches among the unreached and unchurched people groups.
Our Mission
Doing evangelism inter-woven in discipleship efforts.